National Alliance of Healthcare Purchaser Coalitions
Peer-to-Peer > Sharing Best Practices > National Alliance of Healthcare Purchaser Coalitions
The Minnesota Health Action Group has been an active member of The National Alliance of Healthcare Purchaser Coalitions (“National Alliance”), formerly the National Business Coalition on Health, since its inception.
The National Alliance is the only national, nonprofit, purchaser-led organization with a national and regional structure, dedicated to driving health and health care value across the country. Its members represent more than 12,000 employers/purchasers and 45 million Americans spending $300 billion annually on health care.
The National Alliance offers a series of Action Briefs to support the critical role purchasers and purchaser-led coalitions play as change agents in improving health and health care in employee populations and the community at large. Each Action Brief focuses on a specific topic of interest. They use data from eValue8, the National Alliance’s health plan request for information survey, to better explain the role of health plans around the issue. The Action Briefs provide steps and strategies employers can take to improve health and health care delivery.