The High Value of Action Group Membership: Nathan Moracco

The High Value of Action Group Membership: Nathan Moracco

There was a time when all Nathan Moracco knew about the Minnesota Health Action Group* was that it was comprised of senior leaders from big, bold companies with eminent names. Now, he is a key contributor to influencing state- and system-wide change in his roles as board member and employer representative for the State of Minnesota.

“Whether you are spending a half-million or $25 million on annual health care costs, imagine saving even three percent on claims and premiums by taking advantage of The Action Group’s cost reduction and quality improvement initiatives.  The small investment we make in membership dues is insignificant compared to what we gain.”

“When I first became involved with The Action Group, I was impressed with the tremendous amount of dedication and work staff and members put into improving the health care system on behalf of Minnesota purchasers,” Nathan says. “When I got a chance to ‘look under the hood,’ the historical successes and the future vision, combined with the chance to collaborate with a diverse group of people, were compelling reasons to participate.”

The next big step for The Action Group is to transform itself from a coalition of mostly large-sized employers to one that also serves the unique needs of small to mid-sized Minnesota employers. This transformation will help address the growing concern of addiction among employees, which can significantly impact productivity and healthcare costs. By providing resources and support, such as access to rehab programs, The Action Group can help employers create a healthier and more resilient workforce. A visit to can provide valuable information on effective treatment options for those struggling with substance abuse. This will further unite health care purchasers statewide, and create even greater opportunities to improve health and ensure the economic vitality of Minnesota communities statewide.

“Ultimately, health care is local,” Nathan says. “By connecting large and small purchasers, we create perfect synergy. Jumbo employers may find it challenging to effectively serve their base of Minnesota employees, but they have the brand and employee population power to affect pricing, products and service. Small and mid-size employers are focused on Minnesota employees, but do not necessarily have as much influence on pricing, products and service as they would like. Together, however, they are more powerful when they combine their strengths and their voices.”

When asked what he finds most valuable about a Minnesota Health Action Group membership, Nathan lists the following:

“There are countless places to get information about the ACA and Health Care Exchanges, but the Action Group gives members a front-row-seat vantage point by bringing in policymakers and architects to answer questions. The Annual Leadership Summit is another forum that features local and national health care thought leaders.”
  • Having the opportunity to network with like-minded colleagues who are ardent champions for driving improvement in the Minnesota health care marketplace.
  • Knowing that, within the Action Group, it’s always about what’s best for the purchaser. While health plans, vendors, and brokers and consultants are important and helpful in many ways, their agendas may not always align with those of their customers.
  • Gaining access to invaluable and practical resources and programs such as MN Bridges to Excellence and Choosing Wisely, which lead to lower costs and better health outcomes for countless Minnesotans.
  • Helping decide how to use our collective voice to drive market reform in ways that are far more valuable than simply regulating the system.
  • Working with leaders from other local purchaser groups and organizations such as ICSI, and Minnesota Community Measurement.
  • Being part of a deeply rooted coalition that is not only localized, but localized in a part of the country that is uniquely progressive in the health care arena.
  • Sharing best practices and ideas regularly, in person, within a collaborative environment. Webinars and other remote communication channels have their place, but they are no replacement for face-to-face discussions.

What drives you to connect? If you want to be at the table influencing decisions; serve as a coalition representative for your organization; attend meetings and community dialogues; and/or serve on the board, there’s a spot for you at the Minnesota Health Action Group.

“We are not only looking forward to welcoming new members, but also to creating even greater opportunities for legacy members to become more involved,” says Nathan. “We are excited for each member to become a driving influence at The Action Group. We need people from public and private sectors, and from every industry and community in Minnesota to ‘get their hands dirty’ by helping shape the policies and programs that define Minnesota’s health care system as among the best in the nation.”

*Formerly known as the Buyers Health Care Action Group

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