The Leapfrog Group

The Leapfrog Group

Innovation > Hospital and Quality Performance > The Leapfrog Group

The Leapfrog Group is an employer-driven initiative that aims to “trigger giant leaps in the safety, quality and affordability of health care.” The Action Group served as the Regional Roll-out Leader in Minnesota when the Leapfrog Group was launched.

Measuring Hospital Performance and Patient Safety

leapfrog-pms-outlinesApproximately 400 people die every day because of a preventable hospital error – the equivalent of a jet crashing every day and killing all aboard. Information on the quality of the care that a hospital provides is critically important when people are deciding where they should receive non-emergency hospital care. Very few people, however, know what information they should be looking for and where to find it.

Founded in 2000 by large employers and other purchasers (The Action Group is a founding member), The Leapfrog Group is a national nonprofit organization driving a movement for giant leaps forward in the quality and safety of American health care. It now surveys over 1,800 hospitals, with partnerships in 38 states. The flagship Leapfrog Hospital Survey collects and transparently reports hospital performance, empowering purchasers to find the highest-value care and giving consumers the lifesaving information they need to make informed decisions. The Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade, Leapfrog’s other main initiative, assigns letter grades to hospitals based on their record of patient safety, helping consumers protect themselves and their families from errors, injuries, accidents and infections.

Access the results of the Leapfrog Hospital Survey for Minnesota hospitals here.

The Minnesota Health Action Group is committed to transparency of hospital performance and patient safety, in general, and continues to add its voice to the call for increased transparency. We encourage hospital participation in these important patient safety efforts through our ongoing discussions with health plans and provider organizations.